Bird Treats
I'll be discussing what treats my birds love in this post.
Apart from the regular greens, (and dry fruits for the cockatiels), my birds go nuts for Honey-Treats!
They love the Prestige Sticks by Versele Laga. They love it so much that they finish it, seconds from it being hung inside the cage. Kinda reminds me of how Piranhas eat flesh. It disappers in seconds too!
I then started making my own version of the Honey_sticks & they were a hit as well! All you need is their favorite seeds, pieces of fruits/veggies/dry fruits, egg white & honey (of course!) all amalgamated into one mixture and shaped into whichever shape you wish it to form. I added Popsicle Sticks so that it hardens around it and supports the treat. Anyway, I microwaved this mixture for a few minutes and Voila! You have your Home-Made Honey Treats! You can add a variety of stuff to it and it won't even burn a hole in your pocket! Plus you get to control what is added to the treat and the amount of the ingredient added as well.
I'll probably make these again next week. Will post pictures!! Good Night Everybody!
Apart from the regular greens, (and dry fruits for the cockatiels), my birds go nuts for Honey-Treats!
They love the Prestige Sticks by Versele Laga. They love it so much that they finish it, seconds from it being hung inside the cage. Kinda reminds me of how Piranhas eat flesh. It disappers in seconds too!
I then started making my own version of the Honey_sticks & they were a hit as well! All you need is their favorite seeds, pieces of fruits/veggies/dry fruits, egg white & honey (of course!) all amalgamated into one mixture and shaped into whichever shape you wish it to form. I added Popsicle Sticks so that it hardens around it and supports the treat. Anyway, I microwaved this mixture for a few minutes and Voila! You have your Home-Made Honey Treats! You can add a variety of stuff to it and it won't even burn a hole in your pocket! Plus you get to control what is added to the treat and the amount of the ingredient added as well.
I'll probably make these again next week. Will post pictures!! Good Night Everybody!